Lunch Around
Tuesday, November 19
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Tuesday, November 19
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch Around: Amrita Saigal, Founder & CEO, Kudos
» Amrita Saigal
Founder & CEO, Kudos
Founder Amrita is all about elegant sustainability (i.e. creating sustainable products that truly work!). Kudos is just that. But, fun fact, she didn’t start with diapers! Amrita’s first company out of MIT turned banana leaves into sanitary pads that helped schoolgirls in India get ahead. Today, her dream of creating a leak-defying yet natural diaper is helping parents everywhere get ahead. She’s so excited to shepherd Kudos, and all plant-based baby goods, toward a more plastic-free future.