INDA is proud to announce a Call for Presentations for the Hygienix conference. Presentations at Hygienix will focus on a series of market and technical topics (listed below) to provide opportunities for industry leaders to review the latest research, product innovation, and market applications for all absorbent hygiene and their components. Hygienix will target manufacturers, converters, and their suppliers.
- Breathability/MVTR
- Closure Systems
- Core construction
- Demographics
- Elastomers
- Films
- IP
- Market Trends/Globalization
- Material & Equipment Advancement
- Odor Control
- Packaging
- Printing
- Raw Material Cost Trends
- Regulation
- SAP & Fluff Pulp
- Standards
- Sustainability/Biodegradability
- Total Absorbent Systems
Authors interested in presenting at Hygienix on these or related topics should submit an abstract, high resolution speaker’s photo (1 MB minimum) and bio.
Abstract submissions should be 1-2 paragraphs in length, include contact information (phone and email), and contain information on the relationship of the research to absorbent hygiene or absorbent hygiene manufacturing.
Abstracts should be submitted no later than Friday, June 27, 2025. Authors will be notified about their abstract’s status within 30 days after confirmed receipt.
Submit Your Abstract
Dates to Remember:
Abstract submission deadline:
June 27, 2025
Information or Questions
For more information about Hygienix, please contact
Deanna Lovell
or call +1 919 459 3719.