The Future of AbHy
Wednesday, November 18
9:00 am - 11:15 am
Wednesday, November 18
9:00 am - 11:15 am
Collection & Composting Program for Bamboo-based Baby Diapers
ยป Sergio Radovcic
Seasoned executive with 28-year track record in software and consumer platforms. Founded Inmoo (exited to Pongalo), BrokerLogix (exited to Clear Choice) and partnered with founders of HealthiestYou (exited to TelaDoc). Currently heading DYPER, the fastest growing diapering brand allowing families to diaper more responsibly. DYPER diapers are built with Bamboo plants, carbon and plastic neutral and delivered as a service but most importantly can be returned for composting with the optional REDYPER service. He is a father of 3 and an avid ultra distance runner, SCUBA diver & world traveler.